
1. How much is shipping?

The current shipping rates are a flat fee, meaning that the price remains the same regardless of how many items you order. Calculated shipping may be available in the future.

UK delivery: £3.49

International delivery: £11.99

2. What are the shipping options?

The only shipping options we offer right now are Royal Mail 48 hour tracked for all orders shipped within the UK, and Royal Mail International Tracked for all orders shipped outside the UK. 

Both services offer full tracking.

3. What are the shipping time estimates?

Royal Mail 48 hour tracked - 1-3 days estimate, no guarantee

Royal Mail International Tracked - 1-4 weeks estimate, depending on region

3. When do you dispatch?

We currently ship 1 or 2 times a week, typically on Thursdays.

Shop Information

1. Where are your physical locations?

We currently have two shop spaces in Sheffield’s Red Brick Market. You can find more information on our Store Locator page.

2. Is the Red Brick location still open?

Yes, our Sheffield location in Red Brick Market is intended to be a permanent shop space and will remain open until further notice. Hopefully we’ll be here for a long time!

3. What are the prices?

We understand your concerns about finding reasonably priced jfashion. For this reason almost all of the clothes stocked at our Red Brick location are between £10-35. Prices vary significantly for accessories and merchandise.

4. Do you sell plus size/modest jfashion?

Our current options are very limited as our stock is near exclusively from secondhand and vintage rag houses, but we are aware of the demand and are always trying our best to source more inclusive jfashion.

5. Which fashion styles do you cater to?

The stock we get varies wildly on both seasonal and market trends. There may be gyaru sub styles like agejo, tsuyome, or rokku gyaru. Sometimes there are lolita pieces, mori kei, himekaji. We also have masculine styles like ouji and gyaruo.

6. When do you restock?

Restocks are once every 1-2 weeks, typically on Tuesday or Wednesday. Popular brands and styles sell out quickly such as Axes Femme and Liz Lisa, so we highly recommend visiting on those days or messaging ahead of time.

7. Will you open additional locations?

While we don’t have any concrete plans right now, we’d love to expand our offerings to Birmingham and Liverpool’s Red Brick Market spaces.

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